

by 弥勒乌鸦之星' 25

Picture yourself in a crowd of familiar faces, purple-tinted lights illuminating smiles, moshing to a heavy drum’s beat, and a nerve-tingling guitar solo. 这是多么的典型 Thursday night looks like at Falstaffs, Skidmore’s campus “hangout,” thanks to Lively 露西的.

The student-run club brings in 音乐家 from New York and beyond to perform for Skidmore students to enjoy for free — all in a welcoming and inclusive environment. 在 beginning of each concert, the president of the club reminds the crowd that the event is a safe space for everyone and to treat everyone with respect.

A few examples of performers from the past who’ve since blown up are Snail Mail and Mitski. Part of the fun of the shows is anticipating whom you’ll brag about having 在它们变大之前见过. Mostly, though, everyone just loves music and is excited 火博体育俱乐部支持的各种体裁.

Lively 露西的 offers a wide assortment of opportunities for students to work on their 与音乐产业相关的个人兴趣. 通常,一个火博体育乐队会开幕 for the headliners, students design posters, and a few club board members oversee 所有的幕后技术.


一位客座音乐家得到了关注. (图片来源:Amanda Francis’25)

莱弗利还提供有趣的主题之夜. 本学年早些时候,有一个晚上 of early 2000s nostalgia called “Y-2-SLAY,” a play on Y-2-K: Everyone dressed up in low-rise jeans and butterfly clips and danced to Brittney Spears. 穿衣打扮是一种 俱乐部的传统. For the band OK Cowgirl, everyone wore western attire, and the band Grapejuice inspired a competition: Wear purple for purple grapes and green 青葡萄.

Another club offering is its monthly open mic night. 学生们可以上台来 sing, play an instrument, perform standup, read a poem, or whatever else their minds 编造. Performers must arrive 15 minutes early to sign up and face a strict five-minute 由于时间限制的巨大利益. 每学期,“活泼的露西”会举办一次“什么? the Fork” open mic, where students are meant to be as silly and weird as possible 展示独特的才华和笑话.

玩得开心对团队来说很重要. 为庆祝万圣节,俱乐部举行了一场演出 “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” titled “Skiddy Horror Show,” with students playing the 角色和观众都要盛装打扮. 组织者说,参加人数很多 had to turn down people at the door because Falstaff’s was so packed. 俱乐部也 puts on a concert for Earth Day every spring and is hoping to bring back its Folk 晚上的传统.

With such a variety of events, it’s amazing that everything is done by a group of 青少年和20岁出头的人. Club meetings typically include a debrief of the previous week’s event, then everyone votes democratically on whether to reach out to different 音乐家. This means that most of the heavy lifting of these events is on the shoulders 俱乐部董事会的成员.

The student duo Question of the Century performs their self-written folk songs.

The student duo Question of the Century performs their self-written folk songs. (照片: 阿曼达·弗朗西斯(25岁)

Maddie Aikin ’23, a senior from Nashville, who is majoring in political science and minoring in anthropology and philosophy, acts as the club’s president. 玛迪加入 Lively 露西的 during their first year after attending the concerts and quickly fell 在爱中. Maddie started out as the social media manager for the club during the COVID-19 pandemic, because they “wanted to help make Lively 露西的 accessible despite the lack of in-person events,” editing old footage of past concerts to make video recaps and involving the student body using polls and fun videos.

When she was elected president, “I bawled my eyes out,” she said. 作为总统,他们 plan meetings and events, delegate tasks to board members, and book artists to come 并执行. During their time as president, she’s instilled theme nights, Battle of the Bands, and brought in artists like Swordes, Mint Green, and Los Elk.

Gabby Paisner, a junior studio art major from Portland, Oregon, 转移 to Skidmore as a sophomore and found the club through Skidmore’s 俱乐部公平. As the club’s art director, Gabby makes posters, designed Lively 露西的 logo, and has even worked on making a (temporary) tattoo sheet for the club.

“Everyone at the table was really sweet and inviting, and I really started going to events mainly because I was interested in getting to know the club members better,” 加贝说. “莱弗利是一个关系紧密的社区. 董事会里的每个人 club is so passionate about live music and creating fun, unique events for the whole 享受学校生活. My Skidmore experience would be completely different without the 我在莱弗利认识的朋友.”

Maddie, the club’s president, agreed, saying Lively 露西的 “doesn’t just feel like 一个共同体,就是一个共同体.”

“Every person who comes to an event, a club meeting, or even just follows us on Instagram 是某件大事的一部分吗. 我们都喜欢音乐,我们都喜欢玩得开心. 和 we can only keep doing that if we keep this community safe. 莱弗利已经做出了承诺 to a safe space, and we expect y’all to do the same! 你是社区的一部分, 我们都要互相照顾. 帮助坑里的人离开地面, be respectful at open mics, and dance your butt off to some great music!”

You can follow Lively 露西的 on Instagram to stay updated @livelylucys!